If you are hurting from a past abortion decision, join the Surrendering the Secret Abortion Recovery Group.
This course gently and lovingly leads women of all ages on a journey of healing and freedom in a way only Jesus can through His Word.
Eight week group will meet on Wednesdays from 6-8pm at the Center beginning March 5th
Text/call Lisa in confidence for more information 540.268.0028
from the Executive Director
Click here to see more photos of our Open House and our Volunteer and Staff Appreciation
Making Life Disciples is a program designed by Care Net for churches to train a team of first responders to help offer life support to women, men, and families to empower them to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.
MLD will transform your church’s response to abortion by equipping the church to lead with love by offering compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. The video based program is self-paced and easy to implement amongst a small group or Sunday School class. Once trained, participants will be able to provide compassionate care to our clients and our hope is that through these relationships our clients will find a home in the church.
More information about Making Life Disciples can be found at https://www.makinglifedisciples.com/. Please call Lisa at the Center if you have questions or are interested in implementing MLD.
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